Friday, October 26, 2012

Blog Post 3

I feel like I have done a good job researching my topic, but I will need some feedback as I develop writing my argument. My classmates are very helpful in letting me know if I have made my point across. I am still confused about what it means to establish a personal investment in the issue when writing the research essay.

My “working thesis” is built around proving that biotech companies` arguments opposing labeling of GM products are misleading. In other words, the real reason biotech companies are against labeling GM products is that they are afraid to loose profits, although their employees state it is because there is no need to specify how products were created since they are almost equal to natural foods. They make other claims as well, such as the prices of such products would go up if labeling becomes mandatory. I will demonstrate that their ideas are not aligned with reality. This working thesis is created according to the misinterpretations model because I will provide a new insight into the arguments of biotech companies.

My main claim is a claim of policy because I try to convince my audience to support Prop 37 in California so that a law requiring mandatory labeling of GMOs will be passed. My audience is companies within US which have funds to support Prop 37 campaign so that it wins against Monsanto, Coca Cola and Nestle, which invested much more money in the campaign criticizing Prop 37.

I will make some concessions in my argument because I have to acknowledge that there are other ways of seeing things.